Big to do over hemp vodka in Russia. There are a few stories including:
Washington TimesAnanovaMoscow TimesMosNewsFunny thing is BATF would probably ban it here in the US for violating their labeling rules.
This evening I found an interesting article on FoodNavigator.com -
Organic industry pushes FSA to recognise omega-3 rich milk. In the story they discuss research that found that samples of milk from organic cows contained at least 64 per cent more omega-3 than conventional milk. It is stated that "consuming just half a pint a day of organic milk could provide approximately 10 per cent of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of essential n-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid."
So, one would have to drink 2 1/2 quarts of organic milk a day to get 100% of your omega 3's. Health Canada recommends a daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids that represents 0.5% of total energy intake. (The United States does not have a recommended intake of omega-3 fatty acids at the present time.) For an adult on a 2000 kcal diet, this is about 1 g. of omega-3 fatty acids. Wouldn't it be easier to eat a product that has 4tsp/13g of shelled hemp seed or 1 tsp/5.6 g of hemp oil to get your 1 g of omega-3 fatty acids?

Here is a book on fishing with hemp seed that is up for auction at eBay:
Hempseed Fishing - Alan Pearson, 1964. "If you cannot fish on other baits because your angling ability is not up to standard, you are most unlikely to catch anything on hemp!" There are plenty of brand new
fishing catapults up for auction as well.
The story "
U.S. hemp food case thrown out of court" was posted today on The Western Producer web site. Speaking about the ruling in the HIA v DEA case Arthur Hanks, executive director of the
Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance, said "The opportunity and timing are just excellent."

hasis Magazine
version 1.01 -- Spring 2004 is now online. You can also order print copies.
The story
Court sides with hemp supporters by Felicia Fonseca, Daily Lobo (University of New Mexico) is an exceptional example of college newspaper writing.
Update Feb. 19, 2:15 PM, This story was good enough to be distributed on
I'm bummed. A
Staples store just opened in the next town over from me and I was looking forward to buying Living Tree paper there, but they were out. I looked on the
Living Tree web site and learned that:
"Staples no longer carries Vanguard Recycled Plus™. We wish to thank all who supported the paper while offered online and in stores. We are now working diligently to establish a new national distribution. In the meantime, you may order from us directly at 1-800-309-2974."
I will report here when they announce their new distribution plans.